The Daily Spiel.


This is kinda funny. Usually I write my thoughts in a physical journal or in the notes app. This is a nice change of pace.

Today was a decent day. I finally finished up this neat little thing (took me an embarrassing amount of time), so I'm a little relieved. I also got an email back from a really wonderful friend of mine, which I have yet to respond to. I will eventually! And I think I might try attending Vespers tomorrow... that is if I can get out of going to my mother's annoying Liturgy service. The people there are very pushy! You wouldn't want to be there either.

Peace out for now.


I forgot to write an entry yesterday; oh well. Not much really happened, aside from my mom getting mad at me for the unexpected violence in The Priest [2009] and constantly droning on about whatever religious topic she wants to torture me with. Still haven't responded to that email either (to be fair to myself, that friend is shomer shabbos anyway). I expect Sunday to be more of the same old if my plan doesn't work out. Oh, and I'm thinking of visiting Anna again sometime soon! The last time I saw her was Thanksgiving [14/10/2024], and I kind of feel bad for just going AWOL without saying anything.

I forgot to mention this! Check out the Mystery tab if you want to see a different picture each day. Bye for now!


Yet again I have forgotten to write another journal entry on here. Sorry! I've been neglecting my physical journal AND my notes app for much longer, so don't feel like I've been ignoring you specifically.
Anyways. What has happened the last few days, in a condensed list (because I want to get to another more interesting list after this):
- I have fallen ill.
- I have fallen even further behind in gift planning for a birthday.
- I have begun taking even longer showers than usual.
- Letter to Johnny is done. It will be posted in The Writer's Corner on December 25th, 2024.
- Episode 44 of of Monster has been completed. Thank you for introducing me to this spectacular show, Freya.
- My viewing of Shoah [1985] has resumed. By the end of this month, it will be finished.
- No new dreams as of late. I keep a dream journal too; should I post parts of it here?
- Still no reply from the hundreds of jobs I have applied to. I think it's the silly socks. Maybe the egregiously ethnic last name. Who knows!
As of late, I have been watching the level of tension in my city bubble. I wonder what my former JSU members are thinking.

And now... the more interesting list: Places to Live (At Least Once)!
1. Syria, specifically Damascus.
2. New York City.
3. Nunavut.
4. Somewhere near Mount Athos, Greece.
5. Poland!!!
6. Maine.
7. Novgorod.
8. Jerusalem.
9. Montreal.
10. The Well Of Barhout. Yes, directly inside of it. Do I look like a wuss to you?
11. Tbilisi, Georgia.
12. New South Wales.
13. Ireland

That's it for today. I'm REALLY tired. Goodnight one and all!


I feel quite bored. Nothing interesting has occured aside from another wonderful friend reaching out (which I appreciate immensely). M, what a gem you are.

Other than that, these past two days have been periods of silent reflection and... complete rubbish. All I can think about is how rotten people can be, and how desperately I need to get out to the country. I think if I type any more than that I'll begin to sigh dramatically and blow up Mauritania. Not a good look for me.

Wow, that was depressing! I wish I had something more lighthearted to say, but you know how it is. I'm a dope, a big one. Goodnight!


Hello, a gut morgn, comment allez-vous? It's currently 12:44 AM as I write this, and it's snowing fiercely outside. I think it's a sign to go to sleep. I'm debating on whether I should go to Liturgy or a Channukah market today. Will write more interesting stuff later. That is, if anything interesting happens. Bye for now!


Glad tidings? I'm back, with not much of a vengeance. Since I don't feel up to snuff, you get a dream journal entry from... January 28th, 2023. It was originally titled "Fake ass bitches". Don't ask why.

I am in a strange place. Colourful, stagnant; an island in time. A woman who looks suspiciously identical to the Holy Virgin Mary comes up to me, her hands clasped in prayer. She is holding rosary beads. The woman calls herself Mother Teresa (ha! I know a demon when I see one).


ME: Huh?

She then leaves without providing any further explanation. Then this guy (I couldn't see his face, only his robes. Those were pretty ornate) comes up to me. He calls himself Lord M. He did tell me his full name, which was a little scary, but I forgot it like an idiot. Sorry.

LORD M: I am a demon of desire.

ME: Uh... okay?

LORD M: Follow me. (why does everyone want me as their follower???)

And then the dream ended abruptly. I really wanted answers! :(

Anyways, that's all I have to offer today. So long!


Wow. A little over a month since I remembered this site existed. A little bit more than that since I even updated MYSTERY! I am a failure.
I'll try to get back to updating regularily; I've finally started getting back some of the creative fumes in my noggin, and now I feel less depressed than usual. It's springtime somewhere. I'll write something of more import when the day is new. In other words, see you later World.